Sunday, March 22, 2009

Youtube, Metube, we all Tube together

Youtube has always been awesome, and always will be. Moment I saw this up there I knew this would be a fun one to write a little about after the slow paced push to get something up there about wiki's other then the way to basically always discribe them as "An organised database of user contributed information" Youtube was gonna be a breath of fresh air. Now... I didn't need to search for lego to know what was on there. I already did... Lots over the years. I'm not a kid. I'm just special :P

I onced watched a very funny video on youtube about lego aliens, predators and jason. Jason was winning and near the end gets jumped by a lego face hugger! So cool. I had a hard time loading the clips due to some technical... Difficulties, however I decided eventually instead of looking for the video I wanted I'd just throw this one up related to it, and massively funny aliens vs predator xbox game commercial - Enjoy!

The value in using a media engine like this for use in the world place is immense. As long as you had a service that could provide the internet in a smooth running fashion for everyone to view you could make your instructions in a video format with demonstrations. I can see the use for this perhaps making a video to use our website avaliable online however - If it would be used is the question however by people wanting to learn how to use our resources better.

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