Monday, March 23, 2009

Task 11 - Docs online!

Word pad writing documents and having access to that online is a fantastic idea! You don't have to worry about loosing it, can access it anywhere without needing a flash drive or some kinda portable storage device. Heck I'm gonna start suggesting this to people and using it myself. Fantastic! Below is the short story I wrote on my email to the markers - It's themed in with the rest of my blog on the game Left 4 Dead.

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The sound of gunfire echoed like rain on a hard iron roof down through the tight compact alleyways until it reached the ears of the few survivors huddled to small blocked off room. They were hurriedly sorting through the items they had collected and picked up as they had escaped through the terror that could only be vividly remembered in flashes of moments and ear-shattering screams punctuated with the drowning sound of their guns. For two terrible weeks these people had defied impossible odds to get to where they were now, a small team sharing ammunition, first aid and watching eachothers backs as they rushed through what was once their cities streets and now belonged to the mindless infected.
"Well, least we're not alone;" Muttered Francius as he gazed out the bared exit door into the almost pitch black alleyway only illuminated by a tiny light somewhere out of sight along the walls outside. Somehow the city had become so much darker then it was before, then perhaps it was even possible to actually become.
Louis moved to the bared window and with a smooth aimed action fired some shots out into the black with his pistol. "I think they're towards the school, just down a few blocks."
"And right through the central mall complex." Added Bill sourly. "That means thousands of them between us and those folks, and since they're firing they're probably attracting them to them by now." He added as he cast a glare to Louis's pistol.
"So ... We go to the school?" Asked Zoey, looking over the rooms other three occupants. "Anyone got a better plan?"
Francius shrugged, walked to the door and in one swift motion kicked up the bar holding it closed and pulled it open, only to be set upon by a infected out of sight to his left as he came through it. It was sorted out with a quick punch and a crack of pistol fire followed by a spray of blood and gore.

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Now... The use of this for -everyone- is potentially massive, doesn't matter if your a library staff all contributing to work in a online fashion (E.G. All share one account, and when things need to be added for say a newsletter everyone does their contributions to the one google doc account) to anything else you could imagine in anyones life. I'm very impressed.

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